Social Media

We utilize the latest in Natural Language Processing and leverage our proprietary curated data to create the best contextual social media language processing A.I.

Proprietary Artificial Intelligence Language Model
Over 1 Billion Words

Our state-of-the-art language model is trained on over 1 billion words and over 60 million unique social media posts. A dataset of this size enables our algorithms to understand the anomalous speech patterns ubiquitous on social media.


Due to the unpredictable nature of language on social media, we designed our A.I. to understand each word in relation to context of the whole post. Thus, we can account for misspellings, quirky diction, and unique expressions.


The sheer volume of posts that some people have on their social media makes it functionally impossible to sort through manually. Our A.I. does this quickly and accurately.

Our Algorithm, Your Results

We provide you with a straightforward and easy to understand presentation of our findings. The results of each person's social media is sorted and presented along the following categories:

  • Hate Speech
  • Political Extremism
  • Sexual Misconduct
  • Drug or Alcohal Abuse
  • Profanity
  • Toxicity

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Social_Wise Media <Insurance> Agency